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Osijek031.com » Ljubav, romantika » ljubljenje Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, [8], 9, 10  Sljedeća  :| |:

#106:   Autor: malecka Post Postano: 06.03.2008. 11:12

nake_rado je napisao/la: ›
Ja imam, nabavio prije par dana osijek031.com smile
nadam se da ta osoba neće vidjeti ovo ''nabavio'' osijek031.com smile

i ja se nadam za tvoje dobro da neće vidjet...jer inače niš od ljubljenja-..... hehe

#107:  Re: ljubljenje Autor: nake_rado Post Postano: 06.03.2008. 21:21

kako se ljubiš?

#108:   Autor: stoka_unleashed Post Postano: 07.03.2008. 19:54

to je irelevantno

#109:  Re: ljubljenje Autor: 1step2far Post Postano: 11.03.2008. 18:05

Kaće bit taj kompetišn? Svaki dan se mažem labellom i melemom da usnice budu meke i podatne, a tu se niš ne događa...

Zadnja promjena: 1step2far; 11.03.2008. 18:22; ukupno mijenjano 1 put.

#110:  Re: ljubljenje Autor: MacaPapucharica Post Postano: 11.03.2008. 18:13

1step2far je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): › Kaće bit taj kompetišn? Svaki da se mažem labellom i melemom da usnice budu meke i podatne, a tu se niš ne događa...

ah, prebaciše nas u drugi topic...i onda eto...zastade i kompetišn Sad

kažem ja, treba to malo pogurati...

#111:   Autor: Frost Post Postano: 11.03.2008. 20:40

Pa što čekate? Nađite prostor, organizirajte žiri, jednu ili dvije cure za zagrijavanje prije žirija i stižemo Very Happy

#112:   Autor: Elena_Os Post Postano: 11.09.2008. 9:26

I jel bilo što od tog kompetišna ? osijek031.com smile

#113:   Autor: legica_os Post Postano: 11.09.2008. 13:19

nake_rado je napisao/la: ›
kako se ljubiš?

Passionate (24 to 30)
You are an enthusiastic and intense kisser. You aren't afraid to throw caution to the wind and kiss like there's no tomorrow, and you don't hesitate to make the first move when you're in the mood. Being passionate is an enviable gift -- it's no secret that passionate people enjoy great sex lives. Plus, you're obviously comfortable with your sexual side -- another enviable quality. But you may want to think about turning down the heat sometimes. With so much passion, there may be little room to make an emotional connection. While sex is important in a relationship, so is being able to relax, talk and just have fun together -- out of bed as well as in! Plus, while the majority of men love a passionate woman, remember that they like to be the sexual aggressors sometimes too.


#114:   Autor: Dambix Post Postano: 11.09.2008. 13:21


#115:   Autor: deer_hunter Post Postano: 11.09.2008. 14:11

Skakavac je napisao/la: ›
najgore mi je kad mi se decko svidja i ispravan je i sve sto moze bit al kad se poljubimo,sve padne u vodu...uf

jao to je strašnoooo Sad

volim se ljubiti na granici nježnog i grubog, da varira ovisno o stupnju žari i samog jelte ljubavnog čina osijek031.com smile

#116:  Re: ljubljenje Autor: insomnia Post Postano: 18.09.2008. 12:28

nake_rado je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): › kako se ljubiš?

Passionate (24 to 30)
You are an enthusiastic and intense kisser. You aren't afraid to throw caution to the wind and kiss like there's no tomorrow, and you don't hesitate to make the first move when you're in the mood. Being passionate is an enviable gift -- it's no secret that passionate people enjoy great sex lives. Plus, you're obviously comfortable with your sexual side -- another enviable quality. But you may want to think about turning down the heat sometimes. With so much passion, there may be little room to make an emotional connection. While sex is important in a relationship, so is being able to relax, talk and just have fun together -- out of bed as well as in! Plus, while the majority of men love a passionate woman, remember that they like to be the sexual aggressors sometimes too.

Ju! Embarassed Sad bih jedan pešnit kis!

#117:   Autor: malecka Post Postano: 18.09.2008. 12:51

Playful (10 to 16)
Kissing is a lot of fun for you. You like your kisses to be sweet, playful and rather flirty. No doubt your personality closely matches your kissing style. While being flirty and playful can be fun, exciting and appealing, don't let your intimacy style sabotage your love life. It can be difficult to turn a playful relationship into a meaningful, enduring romance, especially if both of you get too comfortable keeping things light and breezy. You may want to ask yourself why you so seldom let your intimate moments grow passionate. Are you afraid to get too intense? Are you uncomfortable with your sexual side? Insecure about your lovemaking skills? If so, it's time to experiment with other intimacy styles. Get romantic. Be passionate. Let your man -- and yourself -- get to know what's going on in your heart.

i wanna play now.... hmmmmmmmmm..........

#118:  Re: ljubljenje Autor: 1step2far Post Postano: 18.09.2008. 17:13

Ja bih se ljubila.

#119:   Autor: Elena_Os Post Postano: 31.01.2009. 0:44

I jab osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile
osijek031.com smile

#120:   Autor: sokrat Post Postano: 31.01.2009. 0:55

sad sam se sjetio kada je prije nekih 10-tak godina jedan prijatelj pitao kako se treba prvi puta ljubit sa curom....
..onda mu je jedan od "iskusnijih" iz ekipe rekao da to mora navježbat i da kada dođe kući da uzme duboki tanjur i u njega stavi jedno zrno graška i neka ga ganja jezikom....
Osijek031.com » Ljubav, romantika » ljubljenje Idite na Prethodna  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, [8], 9, 10  Sljedeća  :| |:

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