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Ukupno postova: 701
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:19 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

"Stigao do Bude"
Molim, izbacite ono "na", prekinuli su me u pisanju Smile

Puno je tuge u svijetu....
Upravo sad, dok čitaš ovo, 7 milijuna ljudi se seksaju!
A ti si na kompjutoru...
To je tako tužno...
Rolling Eyes
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:21 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

kakvoj prevari? gdje sam mogao zamjetiti?

mal sam uspavan, pa kasnim...

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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Ukupno postova: 701
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:28 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Nisi pročitao ili nisi otišao na Allendeov link?
Dakle, u utrci je prevario vola, popevši se po njegovom repu i preko leđa, te tako prvi stigao na cilj.
Lukava životinjica, a? Razz

Puno je tuge u svijetu....
Upravo sad, dok čitaš ovo, 7 milijuna ljudi se seksaju!
A ti si na kompjutoru...
To je tako tužno...
Rolling Eyes
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:31 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

aaa...nisam procitao.zaaaakon.
ja sam lukav, dakle...

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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Ukupno postova: 701
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:38 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

A čuj, oduvijek je bilo po onoj staroj (ne smijem napisati narodnoj Mr. Green ) - snaga klade valja, al' um caruje Wink

Puno je tuge u svijetu....
Upravo sad, dok čitaš ovo, 7 milijuna ljudi se seksaju!
A ti si na kompjutoru...
To je tako tužno...
Rolling Eyes
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:39 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

hee hee hee...sad sam toliko neispavan da se smijem na sve...heeh

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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Ukupno postova: 701
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:49 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Da ovo ne pretvorimo u chat, odoh spavati Smile

Puno je tuge u svijetu....
Upravo sad, dok čitaš ovo, 7 milijuna ljudi se seksaju!
A ti si na kompjutoru...
To je tako tužno...
Rolling Eyes
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Ukupno postova: 1114
Lokacija: Kokuće zasad
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 0:51 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

genijalno(vidi onaj drugi topik).aj leone nemoj me ubit, prestajem

Ná glac pioc comhairle gan comhairle ban.

übergefickt osijek031.com smile
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Leteci mungos

Ukupno postova: 6728
Lokacija: Priory of Semen
Spol: Nebitno Nebitno
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 2:56 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Konjina... Zdrijebac...Mustang... ;-)

Huh, veselo... Smile

Citat: › The Horse

Ranking order : Seventh

Hours ruled by the Horse: 11 am - 1 pm

Direction of sign : South

Season and principal month : Summer - June

Lucky Gemstone: beryl

Corresponds to Western sign : Gemini

Fixed Element : Fire

Stem : Positive

Greatest Affinity : Tiger, Dog

Greatest Enmity : Rat

Horses are hardworking people who are generally well liked and admired. As well as working hard, they play hard.

Horses are born under the twin sign of elegance and ardour. Horses are independent, and are well known for their individuality. They intuitively gravitate towards tasks to which they are well suited. This, together with their hard working nature invariably leads to success.

The horse is a strong masculine sign, and both male and female horses are fairly laid back and easy going, while at the same time being direct. Asked for an opinion, the horse will give it, and where factual matters are concerned, the horse is a good source of reliable information.

The horse is a placid person; however, if their passions are brought to the boil, the result is not easily forgotten - wild horses are hard to calm down. In the home the horse is a steady partner, although they are likely to give as much attention to their work as to their families. Horses easily fall in love, but there are many passing relationships before a long-term partner is found.

Horses born under the element sign of fire are said to be blessed with great fortune or cursed will great misfortune. Sometimes they are served both, but in any event, a fire horse will never lead a 'normal' life.

Omnium gadgetum mecum porto!
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Ukupno postova: 2963
Lokacija: Nebesa
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 11:11 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

..."blessed with great fortune or cursed will great misfortune"....
bas te i nisu nakitili koliko god si se ti odusevio...

Btw. NU mene...što me iščitaše...žena Zmaj...

Citat: ›
Ranking order : Fifth
Hours ruled by the dragon : 7 am - 9 am
Direction of sign : East-Southeast
Season and principal month : Spring - April
Lucky stone: amethyst
Corresponds to Western sign : Aries
Fixed Element : Wood
Stem : Positive

Greatest Affinity : Rat ,Monkey
Greatest Enmity : Dog
Dragons have strong personalities. They are self -assured and confident in their own abilities. They do not suffer fools easily, and become impatient with people who they perceive throw in the towel too readily: for their own part, they can put up quite a fight. Dragons are honest, and often speak their minds, even when this is not appropriate. They are popular if somewhat inconsistent, full of energy, charismatic and colourful, strong, enthusiastic and inspiring.

The dragon is the national emblem of China where it is regarded with great esteem. Unfortunately in the West, the dragon has a poorer reputation, requiring the likes of Saint George to slay them. According to the Chinese, rather than bringing fire and destruction, they bring the four great blessings of long life, virtue, harmony and wealth. Created from fable, the dragon leads the famous Chinese new year carnival, which provide a perfect clue to the dragon's larger than life personality.

Dragons are generally showy characters - hot heads that allow their hearts to rule their heads. Dragon people love to stimulate people around them. They are headstrong and determined, and will see things through to the bitter end, even if the original aims of such action are no longer valid.

The dragon is averse to any form of routine, preferring the freedom to pursue his or her own agenda. Should a dragon feel imprisoned either mentally or physically they will become very erratic. Once in decline, a dragon tends to become lazy, fat and bitter. The outspoken nature of the dragon, and their tunnel vision may make him or her appear brash. However, by nature the dragon is a romantic.

The dragon is a strongly masculine sign, and as such female dragons have a harder time than most, and they do not make natural mothers or nurses.

A zamisli kad kažeš...zmaj s PMS-om... osijek031.com smile

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Jeff Murdock

Ukupno postova: 1502
Lokacija: Osijek
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 11:28 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

ozana je napisao/la (Pogledaj post): › A čuj, oduvijek je bilo po onoj staroj (ne smijem napisati narodnoj Mr. Green ) - snaga klade valja, al' um caruje Wink

Tko vrijedi leti,
tko leti vrijedi,
tko ne leti ne vrijedi!

Zbirka poezije: Na rubu ljubavi
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Jeff Murdock

Ukupno postova: 1502
Lokacija: Osijek
Spol: Muško Muško
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 11:32 
Naslov:  Re: Horoskop
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Citat: ›
The Tiger

Rank: third
Hours ruled by the Tiger : 3 am - 5 am
Direction of its sign : East-Northeast
Season and principal month : winter, February
Lucky stone: Sapphire
Corresponds to Western sign : Aquarius
Fixed Element : Wood
Stem : Positive
Greatest Affinity : Dog, Horse
Greatest Enmity : Monkey

Born under the sign of courage, the tiger is adventurous, confident and enthusiastic. Because of this they are often successful in their chosen careers. Tigers are excellent at seeing problems, but not so good at finding solutions. They tend to rush in without sufficient consideration. Their strong sense of independence means that they hate to take orders. Tigers often go to extraordinary lengths to prove themselves, and hate to be ignored. They are often noticed, and as such tend to rise to prominent positions. However, tigers rarely make it to the very top, preferring to be second in command.

In some Asian countries the Tiger is the national symbol (the root of the economic term 'Asian Tiger Economies'). It is believed that the tiger will protect against the three great disasters: fire, theft and evil spirits. Tigers are both brave and powerful, with a strong sense of who they are.

The tiger can be impetuous, and it is certainly a mistake to think you can push around a tiger easily. They won't shy from a fight, and their power and strength usually means that they come out on top.

Romantically, tigers are somewhat reckless, and can risk everything in pursuit of their heart's desires. As a friend they are extremely generous, and tend to give everything all at once. However, lasting friendships are few and far between. Excellent as parents, tigers teach their children by example.

osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile osijek031.com smile

Zbirka poezije: Na rubu ljubavi
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Ukupno postova: 354
Lokacija: Osijek
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 13:18 
Naslov:  Re: Horoskop
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

[color=darkblue]The Rat
Ranking order : First

Hours ruled by the Rat : 11pm - 1am

Direction of its sign : directly North

Season and principal month : winter, December

Corresponds to Western sign : Sagittarius

Lucky stone: carbuncle

Fixed Element : water

Stem : Yin (Positive)

Greatest Affinity : Dragon, Monkey

Greatest Enmity : Horse

A bit of a charmer, the rat is usually welcome anywhere; however, generally has few close friends. The rat is intelligent, quick-witted and hardworking. Somewhat ambitious, with a tendency to be frivolous with material possessions. The rat is strongly family oriented, enjoys thrills but is easily bored. A little insecure and can lack boldness. The rat is an opportunist who lives for the moment and rarely plans for the future. All rats have a propensity for aggression; however, this is seldom expressed physically, but rather in fretting over details and being overly concerned about trivialities. [

Although the rat was first to arrive at the Buddha's door, it was through running up the ox's tail (who arrived first because of its great strength) and over its back, thereby the rat pipped the ox to the post! According to legend, the ox has yet to forgive the rat. There is also another legend involving the rat, and the "13th animal", the cat.

Dakle, vidim ja da ima nas štakora ovdje... A nismo baš med i mlijeko. Opet, kad čitam druge znakiće, bolji smo nego roosteri

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Ukupno postova: 1181
Spol: Nebitno Nebitno
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 18:09 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Nije bas ni ovako ali je bolje nego "kante za otpatke".

Citat: › The Ox

Ranking Order: second
Hours ruled by the Ox : 1 am - 3 am
Direction : North-Northeast
Season and month : winter, January
Lucky stone: white onyx
Corresponds to Western sign : Capricorn
Fixed Element : water
Stem : negative
Greatest Affinity : Rooster, Snake
Greatest Enmity : Goat

The ox is born under the twins sign of equilibrium and endurance. The ox is both patient and meticulous with strong principles, and as such tends to be very stubborn. The ox is extrememly strong, and an excellent worker. However, these traits also make the ox stubborn, and their sense of self reliance makes it difficult for them to ask for or to receive assistance. Don't go looking for an evening of scintilating conversation from an ox as they are poor conversationists, and unfortunately don't have much of a sense of humour either.

Oxen are ruled by conviction, and they are not often swayed from their beliefs. The ox's ability to criticise others for their own shortcomings is well known. The ox is not very good at coping with its emotions, and can become introverted and self-destructive when they fail to find a way of expressing their feelings.

Another outward sign of the ox's self-reliance is its inability to share power, and its demand for loyalty from its friends. Born leaders, oxen work hard to achieve their goals. Unsuprisingly oxen make somewhat authoritarian parents, but are very strongly family minded. Relationships tend to be long term, and casual affairs very rare.

Sooner or later you will have to stand up for something or in the end you will stand up for nothing at all.
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Ukupno postova: 701
Spol: Žensko Žensko
Post Postano: 28.01.2006. 18:38 
Citirajte i odgovorite[Vrh] 

Leteci mungos je napisao/la: ›
Konjina... Zdrijebac...Mustang... ;-)

Citat: › The Horse

Greatest Enmity : Rat

Hallo, let me introduce myself: I'm RAT Mr. Green Wink Mr. Green

Puno je tuge u svijetu....
Upravo sad, dok čitaš ovo, 7 milijuna ljudi se seksaju!
A ti si na kompjutoru...
To je tako tužno...
Rolling Eyes
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